My Father

My Father
Love you Dad!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bikini Season is Coming

The holidays are over.  The decorations are down and the weather is getting colder.  It does get cold here, just not like those northern states.  I sit here with the fireplace on in my pajama pants and a old t-shirt.  It is one of those days that three good movies and a blanket could cure.  You know those days, you crave carbs and warmth.  Needless to say, I probably won't get a lot done today.
 Ok, let get real, I'm going to talk about rehabilitation and weight today.  Now that I know what problem I have with my legs, I am determined to do something about it!  I go to physical therapy twice a week.  Christa is my therapist.  I bring her skinny lattes and she doesn't yell at me!  Just kidding, she would never yell.  I am a pretty compliant patient.  She has me putting on leg weights and marching around the room.  A person cannot take themselves seriously when walking past a mirror in sweats in a full march.  I believe that the P.T. is helping.  My walking is stronger but I still have just as much difficulty walking up stairs.
Besides P.T. I workout at least 4 times a week.  I use to workout with a trainer about a year ago.  I ran into her two days ago and she did not recognize me at first.  I now have long hair.  She says to me, "OMG you look great.  You look so toned."  I looked at her and thought, OMG you need glasses Honey!  I told her about the recent medical developments.  She offered to help me once more.  She has a rehab background so she will be a great asset!  My goal is to get stronger and lose this weight.  How much you wonder?  There is only a few people that no that.  They are my doctor and nurse.  Every time I walk into the office I have to be weighed.  Give me a break, can't I just tell you what it said on the scale this morning (minus 5#).  I especially love it when Chris is in the room and they already got my weight which he has no idea what it is.  They are thumbing through my chart and say, "How much do you weight?"  For God sake man can you not read?  If looks could kill there would be a number of employees missing from MDA!  I have no choice to say it and Chris pretends to not be paying attention.  Yeah right!
I love watching the biggest loser!  I always thought that body bug that they wear on their arm was cool.  I bought one about three months ago.  It monitors the calories that you burn daily.  Their is a computer program that you put your daily intake in.  At the end of the day you can find out how many calories in versus calories burned.  I was diligent about putting everything down.  I probably burned about 1000 calories more then I took in.  3500 cal in a week burned would be a pound lost.  7000 , two pounds, great!  End of the week I had burned 7000 calories and either stayed the same or gained a pound!  Ok, something is wrong with this bug.  I tried it for three months and it now sits in the top drawer of my bathroom.
I eat pretty well.  Breakfast is either vegs with egg whites or fruit with fiber one.  Yes, like an old lady!  Lunch is similar.  Salad with protein or Subway's vegetable sub with vinegar only.  All is well until 2 or 3 pm hits.  Kids aren't home yet.  All the errands are done.  The pantry starts to call my name.  The chocolate and nuts are stored in this evil place!  Now, I will stay away by eating something healthy (fruit or yogurt).  As soon as I do that it makes me want more.  This is definitely a problem time.  I decided that I would try to workout at 4pm after picking up the kids.  I did it a couple of times and came home hungrier then when I left.  Dinner is easy because I am full by the time this comes:{  I think I need to make a list of things to do between 2 and 6pm.  Does anyone need their house painted?  Nighttime eating is not an issue. We have dinner at 7pm and in bed around 9-10.
I think I need a workout buddy that doesn't make me get up at 5am. (no offense Honey!)  I also need to fill my time more efficiently.  Until then, which will hopefully be by tomorrow I will keep my head up and my cravings down.  Take care.

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